Natural Light Through Spacial Form

Natural Light Through Spacial Form

Last July I attended the Creative Mornings talk hosted by Brad Cloepfil, founder of Allied Works Architecture.  He divided his talk into 4 ways of “pursuing what architecture can reveal” – The Physical, The Visceral, The Luminous and The PerceptualSince that talk, I had been wanting to visit one of his projects that he briefly spoke about, but really spoke to me. 

On my way back from the Oregon coast last weekend, I made a sudden and very excited left turn to see his luminous work. At the Sokol Blosser Tasting Room in Dayton, OR, Brad Cloepfil used wood to create spacial relationships and shifts in natural light. On this rain, hail and sunshine filled day, I experienced the beauty he created from his choice of materials, attention to detail and use of natural light.

Being a lover of wine and sunshine, I was in heaven. One of my favorite quotes about wine was undoubtedly reflected in the form of this environment. I cant wait to go back!

“Wine is sunlight, held together by water.”

– Galileo Galilei



To learn more about this project, you can view the case study or watch Brad Cloepfil talk from Creative Mornings.


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